Coronavirus Information

Southern Crescent Technical College continues to actively monitor the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Information surrounding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is rapidly evolving and changing. We are closely monitoring information and advisories from national, state, and local health authorities. We have a team in place to ensure that Southern Crescent Technical College has an effective, yet strategic plan to implement a rapid and proactive response should the need arise. We are following guidance from the State of Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG).

Preventing The Illness

According to the Department of Public Health (DPH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the overall risk of COVID-19 to the general public remains low. The DPH and CDC strongly recommend the following measures as the best way to prevent infection of a respiratory virus:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow or use a tissue to cover it, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

These are everyday habits that can help prevent the spread of several viruses. The CDC also offers specific guidance for travelers.

We will continue to follow our protocols to disinfect high contact surfaces in our common areas. We have increased the number of hand sanitizer dispensers on our campuses.

If you are ill, let your instructor know and please stay home to recover. Please practice the above outlined infection control measures. Additionally, if you have traveled to an affected area, or have been exposed to someone sick with COVID-19 in the last 14 days please make your instructor aware immediately. Planned travel to any destination with major travel warnings or restrictions should also be communicated with your instructor.

As we receive new school-based guidance from the DPH, CDC, and our local agencies, we will incorporate that information into our response plans. Additional information on COVID-19 can be found at the Department of Public Health website,, and at the Center for Disease Control website,

Rest assured, the health, safety and well-being of our faculty, staff and students are always our highest priorities. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed as the need arises. In the meantime, please follow the above recommendations for infection control.

What Happens If A Case Is Identified?

Information on confirmed cases will be reported by the Georgia Department of Public Health on their website at Please refer to this site for updated information.

The CDC, Georgia State Department of Health, and local health care experts will be integrally involved if a case is confirmed in our area. The College remains in close contact with them to understand their protocols and refine our plans as the recommendations from national and state authorities evolve and change. Southern Crescent Technical College has a robust emergency response plan and contingency plans that can be called into place if needed.

In addition, if needed, related emergency alerts will be made to our students, faculty, and staff through the Tiger Alert system.


  Previous Updates

A message from 十大网赌平台推荐 President, Dr. Alvetta Thomas:

A parent of a student attending our Tender Tech Childcare Center on the Flint River Campus self-reported a positive COVID 19 test result for the student.  Following the guidance and protocol from the Department of Public Health (DPH), the child and family members are quarantined and working with their healthcare provider.

We believe that risk of contact is very low.  However out of an abundance of caution, we are closing Tender Tech until Monday, December 21.  During the closure, the College will take precautionary measures to deep clean and sanitize all areas of the Tender Tech Childcare Center.

The overall risk of COVID-19 to students, faculty, staff and visitors at 十大网赌平台推荐 remains low.  Health officials are continuously working to quickly identify cases of COVID-19, take appropriate public health action to reduce its spread, and protect the general public in identifying potential contacts.

As a reminder, the best prevention measures for any respiratory virus, including COVID-19, are:

  • Wear a mask or face covering.
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 second If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

The College continues to routinely clean and disinfect all locations.  Should the need arise, we will provide additional guidance.  In the meantime, you are advised follow all appropriate health and safety guidelines.

For accurate and reliable information about COVID-19, visit  or


Alvetta P. Thomas

A message from 十大网赌平台推荐 President, Dr. Alvetta Thomas: The health and safety of Southern Crescent Technical College’s (十大网赌平台推荐) students, faculty, and staff remain our first priority.  Since returning from Thanksgiving Break, we have experienced an increase in the number of positive COVID-19 cases reported. These cases were not linked to any campus-related activities or outbreaks.  All effected individuals have been notified of possible contact.  Based on contact tracing, we believe that the overall risk of COVID-19 to students, faculty, staff, and visitors remains low in our campus community.For additional information on reporting data, please visit the College’s Coronavirus information webpage (

Health officials are continuously working to quickly identify cases of COVID-19, take appropriate public health action to reduce its spread, and protect the general public in identifying potential contacts.  As a reminder, the best prevention measures for any respiratory virus, including COVID-19, are:

  • Wear a mask or face covering.
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
  •  If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, and then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

The College continues to routinely clean and disinfect all locations.  Should the need arise, we will provide additional guidance.  In the meantime, you are advised to follow all appropriate health and safety guidelines.  For accurate and reliable information about COVID-19, visit or

Alvetta P. Thomas

A message from 十大网赌平台推荐 President, Dr. Alvetta Thomas:

A parent of a student attending our Tender Tech Childcare Center on the Flint River Campus self-reported a positive COVID 19 test result.  Following the guidance and protocol from the Department of Public Health (DPH), the family member and children are quarantined and working with their healthcare provider.

We believe that risk of contact is very low.  However out of an abundance of caution, we are closing Tender Tech until Tuesday, September 8.  During the closure, the College will take precautionary measures to deep clean and sanitize all areas of the Tender Tech Childcare Center.

The overall risk of COVID-19 to students, faculty, staff and visitors at 十大网赌平台推荐 remains low.  Health officials are continuously working to quickly identify cases of COVID-19, take appropriate public health action to reduce its spread, and protect the general public in identifying potential contacts.

As a reminder, the best prevention measures for any respiratory virus, including COVID-19, are:

  • Wear a mask or face covering.
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 second If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

The College continues to routinely clean and disinfect all locations.  Should the need arise, we will provide additional guidance.  In the meantime, you are advised follow all appropriate health and safety guidelines.

For accurate and reliable information about COVID-19, visit  or

Alvetta P. Thomas

A message from 十大网赌平台推荐 President, Dr. Alvetta Thomas:

The health and safety of Southern Crescent Technical College’s (十大网赌平台推荐) students, faculty, and staff remains our first priority. To date, the College has reported a total of seven cases of COVID-19 to the Department of Public Health (DPH), five staff members and two students who disclosed that they visited the campus. The most recent positive cases reported were one staff member and one student. The student was last on campus in the Medical Building in Griffin on August 18, 2020. The staff member was last at the Ellis Crossing Building in Griffin on August 20, 2020, with no evidence of visiting any other campus locations.

十大网赌平台推荐 has taken precautionary measures to deep clean and sanitize all areas where people who reported positive tests came in contact. Following proper protocol from the Department of Public Health (DPH), all impacted individuals were immediately notified of possible contact by 十大网赌平台推荐 Human Resources or Student Affairs. Contact is defined as having been within six feet of the person for greater than 15 minutes. It does not mean actual physical contact with this person. We have reason to believe that proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was in use and protocols were followed to mitigate the spread of the virus.

The overall risk of COVID-19 to students, faculty, and staff at 十大网赌平台推荐 remains low. Health officials are continuously working to quickly identify cases of COVID-19, take appropriate public health action to reduce its spread, and protect the general public in identifying potential contacts.

As a reminder, the best prevention measures for any respiratory virus, including COVID-19, are:

  • Wear a mask or face covering.
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 second If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

The College continues to routinely clean and disinfect all locations. Should the need arise, we will provide additional guidance. In the meantime, you are advised follow all appropriate health and safety guidelines.

For accurate and reliable information about COVID-19, visit or

Alvetta P. Thomas

A message from 十大网赌平台推荐 President, Dr. Alvetta Thomas:

The health and safety of Southern Crescent Technical College’s (十大网赌平台推荐) students, faculty, and staff remains our first priority. A member of the 十大网赌平台推荐 community has self-reported a positive test result for COVID-19. This person was last at the Henry County Center in Building B on July 6, 2020, with no evidence of visiting any other campus locations.

十大网赌平台推荐 has taken precautionary measures to deep clean and sanitize all areas where this person came in contact. Following proper protocol from the Department of Public Health (DPH), all impacted individuals were immediately notified of possible contact by 十大网赌平台推荐 Human Resources. Contact is defined as having been within six feet of the person. It does not mean actual physical contact with this person. We have reason to believe that proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was in use and protocols were followed to mitigate the spread of the virus.

The overall risk of COVID-19 to students, faculty, and staff at 十大网赌平台推荐 remains low. Health officials are continuously working to quickly identify cases of COVID-19, take appropriate public health action to reduce its spread, and protect the general public in identifying potential contacts.

As a reminder, the best prevention measures for any respiratory virus, including COVID-19, are:

  • Wear a mask or face covering.
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

The College continues to thoroughly clean and disinfect all locations. Should the need arise, we will provide additional guidance. In the meantime, you are advised follow all appropriate health and safety guidelines.

For accurate and reliable information about COVID-19, visit or

Alvetta P. Thomas

A message from 十大网赌平台推荐 President, Dr. Alvetta Thomas:

We’ve got this!

As I reflect on the past few months amidst a global pandemic, I continue to be impressed with Southern Crescent Technical College’s (十大网赌平台推荐) resilience against adversity. Time after time, the Southern Crescent Technical College team members have stepped up and stepped in, ensuring we put our students and communities first. Our mission remains workforce development, and although we may be going about it through different methods than we are all accustomed to, we are working to ensure that each student receives the training and resources that they need for success.

Our Spring term ended with classes and services offered in a remote learning format. We were excited to welcome some of our recent graduates back to campus on Friday, June 5, 2020 for a celebratory Graduate Parade. As a sign of the times, approximately 75 cars filled with 十大网赌平台推荐 graduates and their families participated in a socially distant Graduate Parade where they were greeted with cheers and praise from Southern Crescent Technical College faculty, staff, and administrators as well as a number of dignitaries including Technical College System of Georgia Commissioner Greg Dozier, State Representatives Karen Mathiak and Sandra Scott, several local community leaders, and local school superintendents. It was certainly a great way to recognize our graduates and proved to be a special celebration for all participants. Our graduate celebration continues. We will soon release a video tribute to the 2020 Graduates. We also look forward to a formal graduation ceremony in late November.

Summer Semester is off to a successful start. Although students remain in remote learning lecture classes, we have opened our labs for students to return to campus. Faculty and students will spend the summer on campus completing spring and summer labs. Our clinical partners have also welcomed our healthcare students back to complete clinical rotations.

While we have been away from the campus, there has been a considerable amount of activity on the Griffin Campus with the renovation of the One-Stop Shop for students in the Dundee Education Technology Center as well as the further completion of the Training and Education Complex at Ellis Crossing. In addition, the last of the mobile units are being removed to open the campus for better traffic flow. We are excited for our students and employees to return to see these improvements in person.

Expanded Student Support

In an effort to provide students with all of the tools to meet their needs, Southern Crescent Technical College is pleased to announce the launch of the Laptop Loaner Program to assist students with their technology needs since the transition to remote learning. This program will allow students to check out a loaner laptop in order to stay connected with their instructors and complete their assignments. Through this program, currently enrolled Southern Crescent Technical College credit students are able to check out a loaner laptop for academic use. These laptops were provided by a donation from the Southern Crescent Technical College Foundation through the newly established Student Technology Emergency Fund. Through an initial commitment of $36,000 to the Student Technology Emergency Fund, the 十大网赌平台推荐 Foundation purchased 100 laptops that can be loaned to students in need. These laptops were coupled with the generous donation of additional laptops from the Technical College System of Georgia Foundation. Currently enrolled students may access the form for the Loaner Laptop Program by visiting In an effort to support all Southern Crescent Technical College students with their technology needs, Adult Education students may request loaner laptops by visiting

Open for Business: By Appointment

Effective immediately we are officially open for visitors by appointment only. The College seeks to provide the highest level of health and safety. We have installed plexi-glass sneeze guards, extra hand sanitizing stations, and COVID-19 reminder signage. We have also posted clear social distancing directional signage, marking 6 feet distances in hallways, offices, and elevators. Please visit the COVID-19 section of our website to see a list of contacts for appointments. Upon confirmation of an appointment, visitors will be given instructions for building access. All visitors are asked to wear masks and make liberal use of hand sanitizing stations. Offices will be properly sanitized before and after each appointment.

New and Improved Website

Southern Crescent Technical College recently launched a new and improved website. It is sure to provide an exciting backdrop and enhance information sharing with the many audiences that we serve. Among other things the new site includes student spotlights, a new and improved searchable College Catalog and Student Handbook, as well as additional student support and community information. Please browse the new site to find out more about the College and to stay on top of new developments.

Fall Semester

We are excited to welcome students back to campus for face-to-face classes on August 18 for Fall Semester. We are working to refine our fall plans. The plan includes a variety of options for students to access classes and services. Options for fall classes include traditional online classes, face to face or in person, and hybrid remote learning. In many cases we plan to give students the option of attending on one of our campuses. Because of social distancing requirements our face to face classes will be much smaller. We appreciate your patience as we continue to refine our plans.

Continued Plans for the Future

Without a doubt, the COVID 19 pandemic will have a lasting impact on the way we deliver classes and services. Our faculty and staff have done an amazing job providing remote learning classes and online services for Spring and Summer Semesters. As we look forward to a bright future, rest assured that although our delivery methods have changed, our focus remains on workforce development and student success. As always, we are committed to our students and our communities and we look forward to a lasting positive impact on the communities we serve.

Fall registration is open. We look forward to serving you!

Alvetta P. Thomas

A message from 十大网赌平台推荐 President, Dr. Alvetta Thomas:

The health and safety of Southern Crescent Technical College’s students, faculty, and staff is always our first priority. Today, the College was notified that a member of the College community has self-reported a positive COVID-19 test. This person was last on our Griffin Campus May 26, 2020, with no evidence of visiting any other campus. Those who came into direct contact with this person will be individually notified.

Out of an abundance of caution, the Southern Crescent Technical College Griffin Campus will be CLOSED Thursday and Friday, May 28–29, 2020 for cleaning and sanitation. The campus will reopen Monday, June 1, 2020. All other 十大网赌平台推荐 locations will be OPEN as scheduled. As a reminder, the graduate parade scheduled for tomorrow is postponed due to weather concerns.

Health officials are taking precautionary measures to quickly identify cases of COVID-19, take appropriate public health action to reduce its spread, and protect the general public in identifying potential contacts.

For members of the Southern Crescent Technical College community, the best prevention measures for any respiratory virus, including COVID-19, are:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

We advise the Southern Crescent Technical College community to watch for signs and symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath, and to contact their primary care physician if they experience any symptoms. Be sure to call before going to a doctor’s office, emergency room, or urgent care center.

For accurate and reliable information about COVID-19, visit or

Alvetta P. Thomas

A message from 十大网赌平台推荐 President, Dr. Alvetta Thomas:

In response to the COVID 19 Pandemic, our faculty and staff successfully transitioned face to face activities to virtual customer service and remote learning. By all current accounts, our service to you remains uninterrupted. We appreciate your patience as we continue to operate during this unprecedented challenge.

In an effort to prepare for our eventual reopening, the College will continue remote learning for the summer semester. To the greatest extent allowable by state and local executive orders, the plan includes a gradual extension of face to face activities. The specific focus for the summer term face to face activities is on lab, internship, and clinical completion. College leadership along with faculty and staff are working together to determine the most appropriate next steps to resume some limited labs on campus. We are also working with our partners to determine when we can get clinical and internship slots. As these plans unfold, students will receive specific guidance from instructors. Students are encouraged to monitor student email and Blackboard accounts for communication from faculty. Please reach out to any instructor, employee, or department via phone or email for assistance during this time. Through virtual technology, students are able to connect with their instructors and classmates and are offered the resources needed to succeed.

We understand that some of our students are facing challenges with technology. Please see the COVID-19 section on our website. It has a list of resources for free internet access, online library resources, and online tutorial support. In the very near future we will launch a laptop loaner program. We will provide information about this program on the website and through student email.

Because of COVID-19, Southern Crescent Technical College’s May commencement ceremony was postponed. The ceremony has been tentatively rescheduled for November 30, 2020 at First Assembly of God Church in Griffin. While we understand the disappointments surrounding this decision, we are very excited about our graduates. Mark your calendars! Additional information on the postponed ceremony will be available soon.

While we are awaiting the date for the in person graduation ceremony, the College is making plans to celebrate May graduates is a special way. Please monitor our website and social media sites as well as student email accounts for additional information about upcoming celebration of our graduates.

In a continued effort to support our communities, business and industry, and individuals during this time, Southern Crescent Technical College is offering FREE access to several noncredit continuing education classes. These are online courses covering a variety of topics that apply to all sectors of the workplace. The Southern Crescent Technical College Economic Development Division values our workforce partners and is excited to extend this educational and leadership opportunity to them. These 10 free online courses that are essential to every great employee are a perfect opportunity to update your resume or polish your skills. To access these classes and learn more, visit: For questions or additional information, please contact the Southern Crescent Technical College Economic Development Division at

We are building strong communities. As such we are excited to support our local medical professionals with snacks. To date we have provided snack donations to Wellstar Spalding, Piedmont Henry, Piedmont Fayette, and Upson Regional hospitals. These donations are the least we can do to show our appreciation to those who are bravely putting their lives on the line to save ours.

It is our sincere hope that our partners and friends in the Southern Crescent Technical College Community are safe and taking care of their families during this unprecedented time. Please know that we are doing everything that we can at Southern Crescent Technical College to continue business as usual for our students, faculty, staff, and community partners. We are here to provide you with the support you need. Yes, Southern Crescent Technical College, we’ve got this! We continue working hard to build strong students, strong careers, and strong communities.

Alvetta P. Thomas

A message from 十大网赌平台推荐 President, Dr. Alvetta Thomas:

Southern Crescent Technical College (十大网赌平台推荐) faculty, staff and students have wrapped up the second week of remote learning and everyone is now settling into a new normal. While our building doors remain closed, our virtual doors are open. We continue to serve our students and community through new, exciting, and innovative methods.

As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise, there is an increased demand for medical supplies and equipment for use on the front lines. In response to these needs, 十大网赌平台推荐 recently gathered its supply of 42,000 medical gloves and eight ventilators used in the Respiratory Care program to donate to the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) where they will be distributed to assist hospitals with the growing number of COVID19 cases. Our commercial truck driving team continues to support the efforts by making deliveries when needed. And, using 3D printing technology, our Machine Tool and Industrial Systems programs are working to create face shields to be donated for healthcare workers. In addition, 十大网赌平台推荐 recently prepared the first of a series of food donations from our Crescent Café that were delivered to Piedmont Henry Hospital. We are planning to continue these donations with our medical partners in Fayette, Spalding, and Upson counties.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a lot of changes for 十大网赌平台推荐 students, our programs have found new ways to thrive and give back to our community. Many of our allied health students continue their clinical rotations, choosing to train alongside doctors, nurses, and other medical staff in our area to fight this pandemic. Also, with the support of our partners, we were able get 21 registered nursing students completed early. Most of them have job offers and will go to work immediately helping to fill the gap of healthcare workers. It is our plan to continue to support the members of our medical community who are bravely putting their lives on the line to save ours!

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us to find new ways for students who expect to complete programs in May to finish required lab assignments. Working with our program accrediting agencies, we are looking to provide virtual lab experiences where appropriate. If virtual experiences are not available, we are working to offer limited lab experiences for students with May completion dates. These are limited opportunities and will require special precautions and approval. Faculty will contact students directly about these opportunities

We understand that there are a lot of new obstacles that our students face during these challenging times. At 十大网赌平台推荐, we hope to be a resource for our students to not only learn and train for a new career, but also to assist as other needs arise. Our advisement, financial aid, business office, and student affairs staff remain just a phone call or a click away. Moreover, in an effort to meet student technology needs, the Southern Crescent Technical College Foundation has established a Student Technology Emergency Fund. This fund was established with a seed donation of $36,000 from our Foundation. The goal is to purchase new laptops that can be loaned to students. We will provide additional information about the program when we receive the shipment of laptops.

To further assist new students entering 十大网赌平台推荐, the College has adjusted our admissions requirements to make the application process easier. 十大网赌平台推荐 is now waiving the application fee and admissions testing for Summer and Fall 2020 semesters. In addition, unofficial transcripts may also be submitted until the College resumes normal business operations. We are still working to develop plans for TEAS and PSB testing for healthcare program admission.

As a College, we are also working to develop new short program offerings through our Economic Development and Academic Affairs Divisions. Some of the Economic Development programs will be offered at little or no cost to those who have been laid off due to COVID-19. These short programs are designed to swiftly transition the student into the workforce, armed with meaningful skills to obtain immediate employment.

Our facilities and campus safety teams have continued to come on campus to maintain a safe and healthy environment. We thank them for continuing to work on the frontlines daily.

Finally, our progress on building renovations in the Dundee Education Complex continues. The construction crew has made significant progress on the creation of the new student affairs area at the front of the building. We are forever grateful to the Dundee Community Association, Representative David Knight, and our legislative delegation for the funding to complete these much needed upgrades.

In addition to all that we are doing locally, I recently learned that two of our former healthcare students are working on the front lines in New York. Let’s keep all front line workers in our thoughts and prayers.

We have made great strides toward business continuity for our faculty, staff and students. It is a work in progress. I am incredibly proud of the way that everyone has transitioned during these unprecedented times.

Thank you for your continued support as we work to build strong students, strong careers, and strong communities. 十大网赌平台推荐, we’ve got this!

Alvetta P. Thomas

A message from 十大网赌平台推荐 President, Dr. Alvetta Thomas:


On March 20, 2020, it was reported that a member of the Southern Crescent Technical College (十大网赌平台推荐) community self-reported symptoms and testing for COVID-19. As a follow-up to our original memo, it has been determined that all test results are negative. To our knowledge, 十大网赌平台推荐 has not had any nor do we currently have any positive cases of Coronavirus/COVID-19.

The health and safety of Southern Crescent Technical College’s (十大网赌平台推荐) students, faculty, and staff is still our top priority. The College remains closed to students and outside guests until the end of the Spring Semester. Please do your part to stop the spread of COVID-19 by following the CDC guidelines for proper handwashing and social distancing.

As a reminder, the best prevention measures for any respiratory virus, including COVID-19, are:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

You are advised to watch for signs and symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath, and to contact your primary care physician if you experience any signs and symptoms. Be sure to call before going to a doctor’s office, emergency room, or urgent care center.

For accurate and reliable information about COVID-19, visit or

COVID-19 hotline

The State of Georgia has a new COVID-19 hotline: 844-442-2681

A message from 十大网赌平台推荐 President, Dr. Alvetta Thomas:

The Southern Crescent Technical College community is facing an unprecedented time as we manage issues associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19). We appreciate your understanding and flexibility as the situation continually changes. Please be assured that we understand your plans have been altered and many of you are experiencing great difficulty and unforeseen challenges.

As you now know, courses for Spring Semester have moved to remote learning beginning March 30, 2020 and will continue throughout the entire semester. I know that each of our Academic Affairs and Adult Education instructors has worked diligently to convert classes to this format. Our Tutoring and Mentoring, Library Services, and Distance Education team worked tirelessly to support the faculty and to strengthen our online academic services. They have all laid a solid foundation and are ready and eager to assist our students in any way.

On March 13, we moved all of our business functions to telework. Administrative Services and Student Affairs staff picked up and did what was necessary to ensure customer service and continuity of our services. The IT staff worked extended hours to help us get phones forwarded to home and set up laptops. Facilities and Maintenance remained to sanitize our buildings. The IE staff handled our accreditation requirements. Economic Development worked to support our business partners, and Campus Safety and Security remained on the frontlines to keep our buildings safe and secure. Finally, the Marketing and Public Relations team kept our messages and website up to date. They also kept our mail disseminated and packages delivered.

Our business and community partners have been more supportive than ever. They have quickly responded when we called upon them for assistance.

I know it was not an easy task but I have never been prouder to work alongside such incredible individuals committed to the success of our students and community. We have encouraged our students and community partners to reach out to all faculty and staff if they need assistance and I know you will all be available to answer their calls.

As we all prepare to navigate the days ahead, I want to take a moment to make sure that, in this extraordinarily demanding and stressful time, you are taking care of yourself, specifically as it relates to your emotional well-being. It can be overwhelming to tend to the needs of others while managing the almost-daily communication and recommendations relating to COVID-19. As a reminder to our 十大网赌平台推荐 students and employees, the Tiger’s Assistance Program provides free confidential counseling for all employees and everyone in their household. You can utilize this service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please do not hesitate to take advantage of this important service, if needed, by dialing 866‑734-5890 or visiting

Please be reminded to do your part in fighting this virus. Practice social distancing and follow the CDC guidelines for proper hand washing. This is the best thing we can do to ensure our health and wellbeing and to keep our loved ones safe.

This is an extraordinary time and it calls on all of us to support each other with great care and compassion. Please know that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER and while the buildings on all of our campuses may be closed, our virtual doors remain open! I would encourage you to continue to monitor our website at so that you can stay abreast of this rapidly changing situation.

At Southern Crescent Technical College, we are committed to keeping our classes moving along through remote learning and serving our students and communities from afar. We continue to be here for you today and in the days ahead as we work to BUILD STRONG STUDENTS, STRONG CAREERS, AND STRONG COMMUNITIES.

A message from 十大网赌平台推荐 President, Dr. Alvetta Thomas:

The health and safety of Southern Crescent Technical College’s (十大网赌平台推荐) students, faculty, and staff is our first priority. Yesterday, a member of the 十大网赌平台推荐 community self-reported symptoms and testing for COVID-19. This person is self-quarantined pending test results. This person was last on the Flint River and Griffin Campuses on March 18, 2020, with no evidence of visiting any other campus locations.

The overall risk of COVID-19 to students, faculty, and staff at 十大网赌平台推荐 remains low. Health officials are taking precautionary measures to quickly identify cases of COVID-19, take appropriate public health action to reduce its spread, and protect the general public in identifying potential contacts.

As a reminder, the best prevention measures for any respiratory virus, including COVID-19, are:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

The College continues to thoroughly clean and disinfect all locations. Should the need arise, we will provide additional guidance. In the meantime, you are advised to watch for signs and symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath, and to contact your primary care physician if you experience any signs and symptoms. Be sure to call before going to a doctor’s office, emergency room, or urgent care center.

For accurate and reliable information about COVID-19, visit or

COVID-19 hotline

The State of Georgia has a new COVID-19 hotline: 844-442-2681

If you believe that you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to the novel coronavirus, please contact your primary care doctor or an urgent care clinic. Please do not show up unannounced at an emergency room or health care facility.

A message from 十大网赌平台推荐 President, Dr. Alvetta Thomas:

In compliance with Governor Brian Kemp’s Executive Order issued on March 16, 2020, all Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) colleges, including 十大网赌平台推荐, will be closed to students and outside guests from March 18, 2020 to March 31, 2020 in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

After careful consideration, 十大网赌平台推荐 has made the decision to move Spring Break for students (previously scheduled for the week of April 6, 2020) to the week of March 23, 2020. During this time, the College will remain CLOSED to students and outside guests with NO CLASSES.

Beginning Monday, March 30, 2020 all 十大网赌平台推荐 classes will be held online.

  • Instructors will email students information regarding how each course will operate in an online/virtual setting.
  • All communication regarding these plans will come from 十大网赌平台推荐 email accounts and/or from Blackboard.
  • Please take this time with no classes to prepare for online learning. If you anticipate a problem with online learning, please reach out to your instructor now to begin making a plan.
  • Additional information for students including access to tutoring and guidance for using Blackboard and other online resources will be available at under Student Resources.
  • Online library resources remain available via the library link on the 十大网赌平台推荐 website.
  • Please note the following calendar change: April 13, 2020 has been changed to an instructional day and classes will be in session.

Students in clinical rotations should contact their instructor for additional information.

十大网赌平台推荐 faculty and staff are now working from remote locations during normal office hours and remain available to answer phone calls and emails. Contact your instructor with questions about classes or for additional assistance. The 十大网赌平台推荐 website also has contact information for all faculty located at the top of the home page under Directory. A list of office contacts is available on the webpage under Student Resources for your reference.

This is a rapidly evolving situation and 十大网赌平台推荐 is monitoring ongoing developments and will update the campus community accordingly. The health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff is always our primary concern.

Please monitor, your 十大网赌平台推荐 email, and the 十大网赌平台推荐 social media accounts for updated information and resources. We plan to make an announcement for the following week on or before Friday, March 27, 2020.

As a reminder, in order to minimize the risk and spread of this virus, we encourage you to follow the recommendations of the CDC which can be found at

We will update this page as needed to keep our campus community informed.